Now comes the hard part…

By Dr. David Jeffreys (director Survey of Memphis, Egypt Exploration Society) Everything is coming along very nicely with this advanced Mit Rahina field school, with an enthusiastic and highly committed group of students and their typically professional, critical but...

The Canary in the Data Mine

By Rebekah Miracle (AERA GIS specialist) As the geographic information specialist (GIS) at AERA, my job is to digitally archive, synthesize and present our excavation data in ways that make it more understandable and usable to other people – both to our own...

Different Methods to Drawing Pottery

By Walid Abd Elbary Attia (MSA ceramics student) When Mr. Yasser (our teacher) taught “the ceramics and illustration team” how to draw pottery, he explained to us the pottery drawing steps and we understood his explanation very well. After he finished, I...

Home and Away

By Freya Sadarangani and Dan Jones Whilst the students and teachers of the Mit-Rahina Field School (MRFS) study season take the minibus each day from Giza to the work room in Mit-Rahina (Memphis) the two of us are frustratingly housebound – Dan in the Giza...

Fast forward by a thousand years…

By Ana Tavares From Old Kingdom Giza to Middle Kingdom Memphis – a short drive to the south from AERA’s usual excavation site at Giza but a thousand years forward in time. We are pleased to be working again in the ancient capital – Memphis. In 2011...