It’s Coming Back To Me Now

By Hoda Ossman Khalifa (Inspector, Ministry of State for Antiquities) Until these days, I did not feel the true meaning of the above words. I worked with the team during 2012, when we discovered the “Silo Building,” and it was a marvelous season. We worked...

Backfilling And Back To Writing

Posted by Dan Jones As the 2011 excavation season at Khentkawes draws to a close, it is a chance for me to reflect on the past few weeks. The last week on site was very busy as we finished excavating, did extensive mapping to record the exposed archaeology, and...

101 Years of Degradation

Posted by Amelia Fairman This is the second week into our attempt at examining the Menkaure Valley Temple, last seen with archaeological eyes by George Reisner, one hundred and one years ago.  Excavation goals aside, re-visiting a site for which there are countless...

Standing Wall Island

Posted by Simon Davis Two weeks down, five to go and we haven’t even started digging yet! Well actually three weeks down now as we spent the last week under curfew and not able to work. We are at the end of our second week of work at Standing Wall Island (SWI)...